5 female fictional characters on Netflix guaranteed to inspire you

Madhurita M
3 min readJun 8, 2021

We do not need magic to transform our world. We carry all of the power we need inside ourselves already.” — J.K. Rowling

Over the years, the role and rights of women have changed beyond all recognition. We have countless awe-inspiring women that exist all over the world that inspire us women to take the lead and fight for #equality. In this VUCA and biased world, it’s no wonder we are all in search for a sense of inspiration to stay on course or to overcome the impossible . And more than just looking up to these leaders, we all are in need for daily dose of motivational shots.

For me personally (like many others), I find my inspiration from my inner circle ,everyday interactions and the smallest moments in life. Strangely enough, I have witnessed inspiration and looked up to a few characters on Netflix. A few female characters (however imaginary) have left an indelible impression on me. In an attempt to avoid this list being cliché, I’ve picked a few you may not have seen before, and are still making the rounds on Netflix. Here goes my top 5 characters on Netflix :

  • “Jacqueline Carlyle” (The Bold type )— A talented, unapologetically ambitious boss lady . She holds an unwavering faith in her team ; constantly supports , motivates and challenges them. Inspires her folks to be adventurous , take the leap and make a splash. An all time plus — can walk on trademill with her heels.
  • The un.named title character (Fleabag) — A free-spirited , sexually active ,angry and confused young woman in London. She normalizes imperfection including all of her terrible decisions and dark secrets. A a rare insight into the mind of a woman troubled by modern issues — who struggles to define herself in the midst of grief, sin, and pain. A beautiful rendition of fighting stereo types of what is expected of a woman and being unapologetically yourself while fighting unwanted opinions.
  • Tully Hart (Firefly Lane)— A force of nature: magnetic, ambitious, reckless, and fiercely loyal. She still bears the scars of a traumatic childhood, dodges inner loneliness, and yet goes on to be fabulous and famous journalist. The greatness of the character and the story lies in the unshakable bond with her best friend . A sacred friendship between women and undying support that helps them navigate through life together.
  • Grace and Frankie (Grace and Frankie) — Unflinchingly honest comedic characters normalizing and educating people on the realities of aging and finding friendship in the unlikeliest of people. While being unquestioningly loyal to one another, they are still trying to figure out who they are as newly single 70 somethings.
  • Clair Underwood (House of Cards) — A fascinating character who is absolutely ruthless, she’s practised and planned, she’s on a mission and letting nothing stand in her way. If you look past the moral and legal wrongdoings, she embraces confrontations and discomfort , nothing unsettles her , she knows her end game and she can see the path to it no matter the short-term nuances that are subject to change. We all can be a little bit more like Clair

These are a few exceptional characters that have helped me look beyond the traditional lenses and helped me reshape my everyday perspective and find some inspiration.

Do comment and tell me about some of the characters which have left a lasting impression on you ?



Madhurita M

Product leader,mentor to young adults, trained fine-arts professional, obsessive learner ,valorous story-teller, destroyer of glass ceiling ,explorer at heart